No, DeenResponds. Muhammad Ain’t the Paraclete.

A while back, I dropped a video breaking down why Muhammad isn’t the Paraclete Jesus promised in John 14-16. Fast forward a few months, and now DeenResponds and his buddy are trying to hit me with a rebuttal. Spoiler alert: it’s… well, let’s just say creative is putting it kindly. Let’s take a look at some of his “top-tier” critiques and claims. Sorry this isn’t a video—edited response videos aren’t really my thing. Maybe I’d do one live, but honestly, I don’t have tons of spare time, so you’re stuck with this for now. For context, here’s Deen’s video and my original breakdown: Here’s my original video: The Paraclete would be a Prophet like Moses? … Read more

Muhammad and Joseph Smith: Two Peas in a Pod (Isa Insight Response)

The dawagandists are unhappy with me again. In a recent video, I laid out why Muhammad is a false prophet. Here’s a quick recap: The funny thing? Joseph Smith did the same self-certifying thing—he inserted himself into Genesis (Genesis 50:33, Smith’s own “translation”) and had Joseph, the son of Jacob, prophesy about him. Christians and Muslims agree Smith was a false prophet, but Muslims should reject Muhammad for the same common sense reason we’d reject Smith.  Why? Because this claim makes God look like a total klutz. Here’s the supposed sequence: This is clearly dumb, we all know what happened. Smith wrote himself into the Bible. And Muhammad basically did the same thing. So consistency … Read more

Deen Responds, I guess

Deen Responds, the same guy who just spent two hours embarrassing himself defending child marriage and his disgusting false prophet in a conversation with my friend Michael Jones from Inspiring Philosophy, took a swing at one of my videos. Looks like Grandpa’s got to take this kid behind the wood shed. In a previous video, I showed how the Quran claims that Jesus’s disciples were Muslims (Surah 3:52). But what if the apostles actually rejected key Islamic teachings? Let’s break it down: Muslims might try to dodge this by saying the disciples were fooled or corrupted the message later on. But Surah 61:14 says Allah made Jesus’s apostles victorious, meaning their message had His approval. … Read more

Farhan Ahmed Zia’s Low Evidential Bar

Okay, this is part three in a series of responses to YouTuber Farhan Ahmed Zia, who generously throws around words like “ignorant” and “liar” when discussing me, yet curiously refuses a public conversation with yours truly, an inexperienced debater and utter jahil. Honestly, I’m sure Farhan is a decent person at heart. He’s simply trying to defend his beliefs, which is understandable to a degree. However, I believe his faith is misguided, his personal attacks are unwarranted, and I sincerely hope he eventually discovers the truth. My door is still open to him to have a public conversation. Anywho, this time, I’ll be responding to his claims about Muhammad and miracles. Here’s my original video: … Read more

Farhan Ahmed Zia: Clueless About Islam’s Biggest Contradiction

So, my buddy Farhan is back at it again, calling me a “liar” and “delusional” and questioning my ability to read the Quran. Let’s see if his response is more impressive than his previous attempt, where he totally missed the mark. Here’s my original video: And here is his “response” video: First up, Farhan’s big accusation: I’m being dishonest for suggesting that Surah 3:3-4 hints at the inspiration and trustworthiness of the Gospels. But his accusation doesn’t even hold water. Here’s the āyah: 3:3  He has revealed upon you this Scripture with the Truth, confirming that which was before it; and He revealed the Tawrât and the Injîl, 3:4  in the past as a guidance … Read more

Farhan Ahmed Zia Ignores the Point Entirely

Farhan Ahmed Zia, huh? Seems our friend has a bit of a chip on his shoulder. Here’s his original video: Farhan tries to poison the well right out of the gate, claiming I’m making stuff up without any knowledge. He says: “Testify is a Christian YouTuber that has recently started to upload videos about Islam. I’ve already made a refutation of one of his videos. You can go check it out. The brother can upload anything without any knowledge or make up lies, and everyone will still hype him up no matter what he says.” Okay, dude. I’ve offered to have a discussion with him from another video he made in response to me several … Read more

What Would It Be Like for the Pastorals to Be Forgeries?

In my recent video about undesigned coincidences between 1 & 2 Timothy and Acts, Dr. Kipp Davis, a biblical scholar (and someone I like and respect despite our differences), commented. He wrote: “In this video, @Testify demonstrates that he is just as clever as second-century Christian writers were in crafting their highly convincing forgeries. If you can connect a few of the same dots, Erik, then so could anyone familiar enough with early Christian writings, no?” Now I get that a blog reply seems like overkill for a single comment. Initially, I was planning to just leave a comment, but then I thought, why not dive deeper into Kipp’s theory and see where it takes … Read more

Recommended Books on Historical Apologetics

I am often asked which books I recommend for defending the reliability of the Gospels/Acts and Christianity in general, so here is my list. It is not exhaustive, but it will definitely give you a good start. The categorized as “mandatory” are more basic, while some of those labeled as “recommended” or “supplementary” delve into more profound and scholarly content. Any item marked with a * can be accessed for free online as PDF files. A significant number of these works are downloadable from,, or Mandatory Reading: Author Book Title Bennett, Edmund * The Four Gospels from a Lawyer’s Standpoint Lewis, CS Modern Theology and Biblical Criticism (Essay in Christian Reflections) McGrew, … Read more

Timothy’s Tale: Unveiling Undesigned Coincidences in Paul’s Journeys

Because Paul crisscrossed paths with many folks, some repeatedly, it’s quite enlightening to compare how these people are portrayed in the book of Acts with what Paul hints at in his own letters. Among these characters, Timothy stands out as a particularly intriguing figure. In 1 Corinthians 4:17, Paul mentions sending Timothy, his “beloved and faithful child in the Lord,” to jog the Corinthians’ memory about Paul’s ways in Christ. Now, from this passage alone, it’s a bit tricky to figure out if Timothy was sent before the letter or with it. In 1 Corinthians 16:10-11, though, Paul makes it clear that Timothy was dispatched before the letter was penned. He talks about Timothy’s impending … Read more

What Does the Talmud Say About Jesus and Gospel Reliability?

Christian apologists frequently turn to sources beyond the New Testament to support the existence of Jesus and verify historical aspects of his life. Among these sources, although less commonly cited than Tacitus or Josephus, is the Talmud. For those of you who don’t know, the Talmud is a central text in Judaism, consisting of rabbinic discussions and teachings on Jewish law, ethics, customs, and history. It comprises two main parts: the Mishnah, which presents legal discussions and principles, and the Gemara, which contains commentaries and analysis on the Mishnah by various rabbis. The Talmud was composed over several centuries, primarily between the 3rd and 6th centuries AD, but its origins trace back to earlier oral … Read more

Is Jesus Alive?