The Question No Muslim Can Answer

Muslims: Here’s a challenge. From pre-Muhammad sources, name someone who lived between 40 AD and 600 AD who you consider to be a true follower of Jesus. No excuses. Don’t say “Islam believes” or “the Quran says.” A name, and a pre-Muhammad historical source. Go. Cue the crickets. Prediction: You can’t, and that’s a big problem. In Quran 3:55, it says: “Allah said, ‘O Jesus, indeed I will take you and raise you to Myself and purify you from those who disbelieve and make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection.’” Allah promised Jesus that his followers would be superior. Quran 61:14 says that they will be dominant: … Read more

Muhammad and Joseph Smith: Two Peas in a Pod (Isa Insight Response)

The dawagandists are unhappy with me again. In a recent video, I laid out why Muhammad is a false prophet. Here’s a quick recap: The funny thing? Joseph Smith did the same self-certifying thing—he inserted himself into Genesis (Genesis 50:33, Smith’s own “translation”) and had Joseph, the son of Jacob, prophesy about him. Christians and Muslims agree Smith was a false prophet, but Muslims should reject Muhammad for the same common sense reason we’d reject Smith.  Why? Because this claim makes God look like a total klutz. Here’s the supposed sequence: This is clearly dumb, we all know what happened. Smith wrote himself into the Bible. And Muhammad basically did the same thing. So consistency … Read more

The Napoleon Myth

Historians are fascinated with the character of Napoleon Bonaparte. This obscure Corsican upstart, depending on whom you ask, is either an individual of exceptional talent and bravery or a person of limited ability and cowardice. He rapidly rose through the ranks of the French army, achieved significant victories, and, filled with success, embarked on an expedition to Egypt. Some view this endeavor as brilliantly executed, while others see it as a wild and foolish venture. Although he was initially unsuccessful, he returned to France to find a favorable disposition towards him, which allowed him to easily overthrow the existing government and secure supreme power – initially as consul and later as emperor. During his rule, … Read more

The 2023 World Series is a Myth

Is the 2023 World Series real? No, not at all. At least according to renowned biblical scholar, historian, blogger, and philosopher Kerry R. Ricardo. Observe these striking parallels from one astute X user. Surely these cannot all be coincidences. Clearly, this is an example of what biblical scholars term a doublet, casting doubt on the historical accuracy of both reports. I mean, can we truly believe that both of these events occurred 22 years apart? Pretty unlikely, if you ask me. Also, the trope of a snake killing a bird finds its basis in the legend of Aegypius. In this myth, Aegypius met his demise at the hands of snakes sent by the god Apollo, … Read more

The Evidence For Napoleon Is Worse Than You Think

Ah, Napoleon. People can’t get enough of this guy. The man. The myth. The legend. Actually scratch that first part. Was Napoleon really a man? You might think that’s a crazy question.  It’s taken for granted that Napoleon existed. But this very circumstance draws attention away from the credibility question. We often are likely to accept insufficient evidence and ignore flaws in the evidence when things go unquestioned. Flaws in supposedly uncontroversial ideas have been overlooked in the past, such as flaws in the idea that the Earth is flat. History books may tell us one thing, but increasing numbers of independent researchers are questioning whether Napoleon existed at all. Yes, you heard that right. … Read more

Video: Sorry Jesus Mythers, But Tacitus Proves Jesus Existed

It isn’t shocking that Christian texts are our primary source about Christian origins. After all, baseball fans tend to write about baseball history. American history buffs tend to write about American history.  But what does come as a surprise is that we can learn a fair bit about Jesus from early, non-Christian sources. One is the Roman historian Tacitus, who lived in the 1st to early 2nd-century. In this video, I look at what we can learn from Tacitus about the life of Jesus. I also examine four objections against Tacitus being a reliable source for Christ and see if they carry any weight. Erik ManningErik is the creative force behind the YouTube channel Testify, which … Read more

Video: Yes, Josephus Mentions the Historical Jesus

Skeptics often ask why contemporary historians fail to mention Jesus. The typical Christian reply is we have several who describe Jesus, notably including the first-century Jewish historian Josephus. Here’s where hardcore skeptics will say: “Fake news! Josephus never really mentions Jesus. Of the two passages about Jesus found in Josephus, one is fake, and the other isn’t referring to Jesus at all.” I have to say that I find this reply to be a bit odd. Even rabid critics of Christianity like Bart Ehrman and John Dominic Crossan believe that Josephus refers to Jesus. Where are these Jesus mythicists getting this stuff? In this video, I look at 5 common mythicists complaints against the genuineness … Read more

Jesus the Jerk? A Response To the Friendly Atheist

the friendly atheist

A few weeks ago, CNN Tonight host Don Lemon said: “But here’s the thing, Jesus Christ, if that’s who you believe in Jesus Christ, admittedly was not perfect when he was here on the Earth. So why are we deifying the Founders?” As you can imagine, this caused quite a stir over social media and on the blogs, since the Bible clearly teaches Christ’s sinless perfection. While a few right-wing Christian leaders went a little overboard in their denouncements of Lemon,  “The Friendly Atheist” took it as an opportunity to take some jabs at Jesus. Hemant Mehta, the author of the blog, writes:  “Let’s talk about what Jesus did. Jesus once got so angry he flipped … Read more

Why Jesus is Too Good To *Not* Be True

As someone who takes an interest in the intersection of the historical Jesus and Christian apologetics, it sometimes feels like all that can be said has been said. Works asking the question “who was Jesus?” are legion, both from a skeptical viewpoint and a Christian perspective. Too Good to Be False: How Jesus’ Incomparable Character Reveals His Reality by Tom Gilson takes a fresh perspective that makes this the first work of apologetics that made me want to worship.  There are plenty of books that defend the reliability of the Gospels by looking at historical evidence or examining skeptical objections. Gilson does a bit of an end-around and shows that the person of Jesus isn’t like any … Read more

James was Jesus’ Brother. Deal With It, Mythcists.

James the brother of Jesus

It’s a pretty amazing historical fact that Jesus’ brother — who probably wore the Savior’s hand-me-downs — later in life converted to Christianity. What would it take to convince you that your brother was the Messiah? Suffice to say that would take some pretty miraculous evidence, right? The Gospel writers tell us that Jesus’ own family thought he was crazy and doubted his claims. (Mark 3:21, John 7:5) But after believing he saw the risen Jesus, James had quite the change of mind. (1 Corinthians 15:7) He became an apostle, led the Jerusalem church, and was even martyred for the faith. This is pretty compelling evidence for Christianity. Here is where Jesus-mythers try and burst our … Read more

Is Jesus Alive?